How The Beautiful Imperfect was born
The restlessness of being perfect
Does perfection exist? This restlessness imposed on us to be perfect bothers me. If what sets us apart are our own characteristics, why do I need to fit into the model they believe is perfect?
From that concept I began to think of aesthetics as something more organic than "plastic". My reflections led me to want products closer to nature's formats, using artisanal resources and less linear and common formats.
I researched and found clay. First the sand clay and then the clay for personal and hypoallergenic pieces. I sat down and started creating. The stones and metallization came naturally to give the shine and grace of each piece.
With stones and metallization I found a way to give each creation a personalized shine.
Therefore, I felt obliged to share the creative output of each unit. Therefore, customers can choose how they prefer parts. Just choose what you like best and you will be jewelry makers just like me.
Life is much tastier when we learn to share!

Marca de acessórios femininos que reconhece que não existe perfeição e privilegia nossas belas imperfeições.
As peças são feitas artesanalmente pelas mãos da design por natureza da Erika Zaunrith, idealizadora e criadora da marca.